Category Archives: Monthly Message

Spiritual Message Nov 2014

Light comes and darkness disappears. Knowledge and understanding arrive and ignorance disappears.

Understanding the world around us and all that is in it can bring a greater calm and unconditional love into our lives; love of humanity and its many foibles. Unconditional love is all consuming, it knows no limits, you will not be able to keep it to yourself and you will have to share it. Ignorance can bring anger, hatred and fanaticism. Remember, both are contagious!

Love and devotion to the supreme can bring knowledge of the Supreme’s love for us and for everyone. Our love and devotion can act as a Light that helps us through our dark times, for we all have them.

The winter-time is a good time to do candle meditations. Many of us need extra light and don’t always realise this.

It is a time of year when we can easily succumb to different ailments, so please take great care of yourselves.

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message Oct 2014

We live in a physical world of opposites, a mental world of opposites (and of course many grey areas), but rarely in our world of the spirit.

We find it natural that day follows night, we somehow cope with the mental everyday ups and downs of our lives, but how often do we become aware of the balanced world of the spirit?

Our true Self (our spirit) appears to be hidden away whilst we cope with what this physical and mental world demands of us. It is as if we expect ourselves to be something/somebody other than our true Selves to be able to cope. We may have glimpses of ‘our tranquil Self’ when in prayer or meditation, even during the rest of the day when something beautiful or tranquil touches the spirit, like walking in a quiet woodland with shafts of sunlight coming through the trees. Even so we forget the spirit when we again become involved in our worldly activities.

Are we two people? One who tries to be what others wish us to be and one that we ‘think’ we should be? Yet there is a third person! It is only when we meditate that we find who we truly are and dwell in our true light, the light of the spirit.

Yogis over the millennia have been showing us the way to find that tranquil spirit within and to be only THAT (thou art that, we are told). We find equanimity in the world of the spirit, so the world of opposites is then seen as natural phenomena. As a place where lessons are learnt, where the ‘metal is honed’, or the ‘lamp is cleaned’. A place where we can once again find our true Selves, for somehow we had forgotten. Eventually in our minds we can find the balance and peace always looked for as we are no longer controlled by the senses or a mind that wishes to be here, there, and everywhere all at the same time!

If and when we can control those multitudinous straying thoughts and the senses that continually run away with us, maybe we will find tranquillity and the ability to work selflessly and lovingly in this world of opposites by working from our still centre where the Spirit resides.

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message Sep 2014

Early morning is the best time of day and for some of us, a special time of day for this is when we meditate and commune with the Divine either in silence or prayer. We can do this in our own homes or out in the country-side. It’s that special time between night opening up into day, a quiet time before the world really awakens, before our consciousness becomes involved with everyday duties and becoming outward moving.

To start the day in this way colours everything we do afterwards, it sets our mood, it brings a calmness, a thoughtfulness.

This following poem will touch your heart:

I met God in the morning, when my day was at its best.
And His presence came like sunrise, like a glory in my breast.
All day long the presence lingered, all day long he stayed with me.
And we sailed in perfect calmness, over a very troubled sea.
So I think I know the secret, learned from many a troubled way.
You must seek Him in the morning, if you want Him through the day.

Ralph Cushman

Maybe you already know and experience how special dawn can be and how you can feel the touch of that which is very special!

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message Aug 2014

Dear One, please enhance this and every day with your presence in my consciousness.

Help me as I endeavour to make this day (and every day) very special and one that will benefit from my having a part in it.

Let me greet all I meet with a smile, lend a helping hand whenever possible and by doing my duty with love in my heart.

Let me (with your help) live this day so that when I rest my head at night and count my blessings I can rest peacefully and thankfully knowing that you have been and always will be my constant companion.

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message July 2014

Closer than our breath, and our constant companion is the One Divine Consciousness of which our spirit is part. Through all our trials and tribulations, if we turn to the One who is Divine, which is within as well as without (for there are no barriers), we will find the comfort we need to help us cope with whatever comes our way.

We live generally in two worlds, the physical, material world of the senses and the spiritual world of love and compassion. We usually work between the two. It would be good for our peace of mind if we could colour the time we are involved in the physical material world with the peace and compassion of our spiritual world. Until it becomes natural to do so, lots of practice is necessary.

Love and blessings

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message June 2014

Are we born to be ‘selfish’? Is it the survival instinct that makes us so? We are born to love, but is our love unselfish?

In the sacred texts we are asked to watch carefully our every thought and action. To be ever watchful, to walk the razors edge! This is not easy and needs much care. We need much time to watch and care before it becomes second nature. Time to slow down, to meditate, to become in tune with who we really are and how we wish to behave, to bring peace to that often aching heart.

Aching for that time when we can become in tune with the spirit within, our true selves and also with the world around us. An aching heart that wishes to become unselfish and unconditional love is the norm; a time when the lower self transforms into the higher self the spirit within.

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message May 2014

Pure as driven snow are you,

Brighter than the mid-day sun are you,

More precious than the largest diamond are you.

Seen when eyes are bright and love shines.

But unseen when covered by worldly concerns and hidden away under layers of ignorance which cloud the view of who you really are.

You live veiled by ignorance of the Christ spirit that dwells within. Even when having knowledge that there is a spirit within, maybe it is just that – knowledge which is not yet experienced. Such knowledge is useless if it has no effect upon your life.

Let your Light shine, let your true self be seen.

Satchidananda Ma

Special Message May 2014

A Vision


Once upon a time, before history began, there was neither night nor day, being or non-being. Yet everything that was, is and ever shall be was present in primal form, like the essence in the seed.

Sages and philosophers have tried over the millennia to explain the origins of life and existence, trying to put into words that which cannot really be expressed. That which is beyond words, that which is unknown. Unknown because of the limitations of our minds.

From time immemorial this energy Shakti that was present, powerful and more powerful than our limited minds can possibly imagine, has been and forever will be.

Yet, at the ‘Beginning’ when movement began towards life, as we know it, there was an awakening! Some say in the Beginning was the word and that word was an expression of the Divine/God; was Divine, was God.

What was ’That’ power? What was this Energy? Was it benign? Did it have consciousness? We could say that IT had within IT a Divine Law, which pre-determined how it would manifest itself under the many different conditions that could occur.

This energy could be described as atomic; many particles suspended in Space (like dust) each with its neutrons/electrons/protons etc circled around. This Space supporting and enlivening all that is, has within it, its own cosmic vibratory force. What might appear empty is actually full.

This pure Divine Energycould beseen as THAT which “lay sleeping”.

The act of waking and then making ‘Its’ first sound; breathing ‘It’s’ first breath; making ‘Its’ first movement; was akin to nuclear fission, like the explosion of an atomic bomb. In fact, there would not have been not one but many simultaneous explosions, which together formed ‘the Big Bang’. After this would have come a series of reverberations as the whole cosmos became affected or infected with movement. These reverberations are still occurring ‘out there’ in the vast beyond!

“This is the Truth: as from a fire a flame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the creator an infinity of beings have life and to Him return again. But the spirit of life above form, never born but within all, outside all is in radiance above life and mind and beyond this creation’sCreator. From Him comes all life and mind and the senses of all life. From Him comes space and light, air and fire and water and this earth that holds us all”.

Mundaka Upanishad.

Once the atoms split, they began to react on one another in various ways because of the different elements and levels of vibration that were drawn into close proximity. Great masses of helium gases were formed and reactions began within them, some eventually expanding and bursting forth, sending debris way out into space. Others withdrew into themselves forming ‘black holes’. Some of the ‘debris’ was hot molten ‘metal’ forming hard crusts around as they cooled.

Stars and planets were ‘born’. The Cosmos is full of vibrations that attract or repulse.

Every particle, every element, everything which is ever-present has its own consciousness and its own awakening. Yet it is part of that ONE Divine Consciousness. Everything in the vastness of this cosmos is organic, is living. All is waiting for the right time and environment to burst forth into further movement and life, just as a seed bursts into life when the moment is right.

This creation exists in pure infinite consciousness, which is the reality of all thoughts and concepts, which together form the subtle body of the infinite consciousness. Nothing exists but THAT – the Cosmic Spirit.

The pure experience of awareness that arises in that body of consciousness is known as this creation.

Some say there are TWO, consciousness and the power of THAT consciousness but what is the power if it has no consciousness?

We have a Causeless Cause of creation, One Divine energy that lives and expresses itself in many forms, many ways.

When the conditions were right, life, as we know it evolved. We knew not from whence we came or how we came to be, and we have spent much time trying to fathom this out.

How is it? Why is it we have this power of consciousness within us? How is it and why is it that we can think and act the way we do? It is because we are part of That One Divine consciousness. Deep inside we all have knowledge

Of Divine Laws. We need to uncover this area of knowledge through meditation. For innate in our nature to know the eternal truth just as we have

the ability to know what is right and what is wrong. It is ignorance of our true nature that leads us astray.

Is it not a great wonder just how creatures developed to be able to live in certain climates and conditions and to cleverly adapt!

Creation is awe-inspiring and that is why wo/man has always worshipped THAT power which is behind and within creation, the ground of all that is..

Look at us. We are told that we are the microcosm within the macrocosm. What an awakening as we burst forth into the world from our Mother’s womb. What an awakening – from beyond that dreamless sleep. On this simple level we wake, we become conscious and with the power of that consciousness we move. If we wake from a sleep that was beyond the dreamless state, we wake alive with the knowledge of who we are and why we are.

We are an essential part of this Divine Organic Whole. We have a need to work hand in hand with all that is, for the process of life to continue within us and within the world around us. Every action has its reaction; action in thought, word and deed.

The power of the Divine dwells upon this earth as the Godhead and within man and woman as the in-dwelling Spirit. At some point in our lives we awake to the fact that we are more than this body, this mind. There is a driving force beyond, which watches and waits till we realize that, the spirit of the Cosmos is the Spirit within us. They are one and the same. Atman and Brahman are one.

God formed man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul’.

Genesis ch.1 v.7

As we awoke, became, began to see and to live, we lost sight from whence we came! Veils of ignorance seem to surround us until through effort and understanding we begin to see that there is more to life than this material world. We begin to ask again those questions that have been forever asked by wo/man.

We are not far removed from our source; realization dawns and we know we are closer than the breath we breathe. We might say that uncovering this knowledge is like nuclear fusion!

Let us consider the idea that upon waking the ONE (Brahman) becomes the TWO Shiva and Shakti, or Purusha and Prakriti! We have consciousness and the power of that consciousness (or the manifestation of that consciousness).

We then have within us this consciousness and power. The power reverberates through our bodies and the Cosmos as sound waves. If we could listen to the sound of the Cosmos, we would hear a ‘resplendent humming’, like ‘angels singing’, the Pranava OM. If we could hear our bodies, they would be like an orchestra playing. Waves of energy, which are the result of that ONE first sound, are the creation and power of life. All life is sound in vibration, which moves out from the Central hub, which is the Divine.

It is this energy, this power, these vibrations that hold all that is, manifest and unmanifest in its place in the order of things.

Let us think of ourselves. We are living, breathing, moving. We do these things in Space, the space we have spoken about as being full of Divine consciousness and power. IT is ever-present.

The physical body is composed of gross elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth), which are formed by a five-fold compound of their subtle elements (sound, touch, form, flavor, odour) and cosmic vibrations (lam, vam, ram, yam, ham). It is also influenced by the senses (hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting, smelling). Beyond these and working with them are Manas (the recording faculty which receives impressions, gathered by the senses from the external world. Thought waves are raised in the mind but the mind is not the seer, only the instrument of knowledge). Buddhi is the discriminating, intuitive and reasoning faculty, which classifies the impressions and reacts to them. Finally Ahamkara is self-consciousness, which when we identify with the body; stores impressions and claims them as personal, individual knowledge. It is essentially the cause of all our miseries, because of its constant (I)dentification with the thought waves. Most of the time it is a false identification). Some say that these three, (Mind, Buddhi and Ahamkara), form the soul.

Soul and Spirit are clearly different from each other, but the difference isn’t one that is familiar to the modern mind. In ancient thought, spirit is a Divine level and is often specifically referred to as the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote, “God is Spirit.” Soul is rather more complex. The Soul is what is more distinctly ourselves. Everyone has a Soul and it comes from a higher level than the body, but in its present fallen state, it no longer looks inward and upward, but looks outward towards earthly things.”

These three colour our behavior and what we become in this life. They seem to dictate our reactions and attitudes. Introduction to the Gospel of Phillip.

We can change this pattern through the power of meditation. Then we will come to realise that we are pure Spirit and part of the Divine. Thereafter we can draw upon the Power of the Divine, the sound of OM and the power of discrimination that is inherent in all of us.

When the power of the Spirit moves within us like a fire that is burning bright, we begin to look and See, listen and Hear, touch and Feel. We begin to have some understanding, because the Light is now shining, shining brightly within and illuminating our consciousness.

This Light, Kalaa, the emanating ray that shot forth in the beginning, together with Nada, the sound of the One Divine Essence, they brought both life and form. This Light dispels the darkness of ignorance, showing us that we are immortal beings living in a physical body. The body born through the Karma of its previous lives is the vehicle of experience for the Atman (spirit).

When the objective universe is being perceived this/it is known as the waking state of consciousness. In this waking state wo/man finds the fullest activity in the body. This body through which we experience the external world is like a house in which we live. The inherent tendencies of the body are: birth, decay and death.

In the Vedas it says …

“At first was neither being nor non-being, there was not air nor sky beyond.

What was its wrapping? in whose protection? was water there, un-fathomable and deep. There was no death then, nor yet deathlessness, of night or day there was not any sign. The One breathed without breath, by its own impulse. Other than that was nothing else at all.

Darkness was there; all wrapped around by darkness and all was water indiscriminate. Then that which was hidden by the Void, that One, emerging, stirring, through power of ardour, came to be.

In the beginning Love arose, which was the primal germ cell of the mind. The seers searching in their hearts with wisdom discovered the connection of Being in Non-Being. A cross-wise line cut Being from Non-Being. What was described above it, what below? Bearers of seed there were and mighty forces thrust from below and forward move above. Who really knows? Who can presume to tell it? Whence was it born? Whence issued this creation? Even the Gods came after its emergence. Then who can tell from whence it came to be? That out of which creation has arisen, whether it held it firm or it did not. He who surveys it in the highest heaven, he surely knows or maybe he does not!”

Song of Creation…. Vedas.

The story continues for after involution (being born) comes evolution (our journey towards the Source)!

We have the question “Art thou That?” the questioning “That thou art?” and the realisation “Thou art That!

Tat Twam Asi

Swami Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message Apr 2014

The woodlands are full of spring flowers, wood-anemones, primroses, celandines and bluebells. All are growing together in harmony and profusion. All are doing what flowers do best, opening their little hearts to the light and giving us untold pleasure. They are thriving amongst the trees fallen during recent storms and floods, nothing has deterred them; the woodland is their natural environment, so they survive under all conditions.

It has been said that we need many religions to suit the temperaments of all people. Why then cannot we all live together in harmony accepting the diversity, enjoying the diversity and doing what is natural to all of us equally – a worship of nature and the Divine, living a peaceful life, sharing, giving, serving one another and feeling the joy of doing so no matter what the colour or creed?

Be like the flowers of the woods and fields, sharing their space, their uniqueness and opening their hearts to the light and giving so much joy to the world.

The Divine is there in all, see it!

Satchidananda Ma

Spiritual Message Feb 2014

We test atomic bombs, we denude the earth of trees, we frack, we take, take and abuse this earth upon which we live. We call it mother earth as it supports life, but for how much longer will she support life if she is treated in this way. We pollute even though we can see the consequences.

A thought is that if the detonation of atomic bombs alters the earth’s axis even minutely, this could easily alter the movement of weather patterns. It is no wonder that our weather becomes so violent at times!

It is not just a thought but a fact that removing trees from vast areas leaves those areas subject to flooding and vast mud slides, which then ruin villages and kill people. Then there is the fear of earthquakes, which are very frightening things, even small ones.

How about a little more respect for the earth upon which we live? To look after us well she needs nurturing not abusing. Saying this, how well do we look after ourselves? Do we respect this body we live in? Do we feed it only good wholesome food and clean water? What about the mind? Do we feed the mind good wholesome food?

Let us start here ‘at home’, then let our efforts spread. Contemplate well on what we can do in our own little worlds to make our lives ‘wholesome’ so that the earth, the environment and all that lives on it, benefit from our being part of it.

Satchidananda Ma