The woodlands are full of spring flowers, wood-anemones, primroses, celandines and bluebells. All are growing together in harmony and profusion. All are doing what flowers do best, opening their little hearts to the light and giving us untold pleasure. They are thriving amongst the trees fallen during recent storms and floods, nothing has deterred them; the woodland is their natural environment, so they survive under all conditions.
It has been said that we need many religions to suit the temperaments of all people. Why then cannot we all live together in harmony accepting the diversity, enjoying the diversity and doing what is natural to all of us equally – a worship of nature and the Divine, living a peaceful life, sharing, giving, serving one another and feeling the joy of doing so no matter what the colour or creed?
Be like the flowers of the woods and fields, sharing their space, their uniqueness and opening their hearts to the light and giving so much joy to the world.
The Divine is there in all, see it!
Satchidananda Ma